Piecework Vessels
Taking inspiration from quilt-making and Japanese boro, piecework vessels are formed by attaching textured porcelain slices to one another. The paper-thin slices makes these works appear almost diaphanous.

Piecework Double Sphere, 7"H x 8"W x 8"D, 2018.

Piecework Midnight, 12"H x 6"W x 6"D, 2018.

Piecework Semi-Globe, 5"H x 5.25"W x 5.25"D, 2018.

Piecework Tropism, 12"H x 9"W x 9"D, 2019.
Piecework Lamda, 10.5"H x 5"W x 2.5"D, 2018.

Boro Vessel, 7"H x 4"W x 4"D, 2018.

Linen Ruffle, 12.5"H x 12.5"W x 12"D, 2021.